Sunday, February 9, 2014

Stop What You're Doing


If you haven't seen Thrive yet, you gotta see it. Below is the Synopsis and the video. Enjoy!


THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.


"STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, sit down, and watch this film! No REALLY, I mean it. This is one of the most IMPORTANT films I’ve seen…Thrive brings together the New Energy and Occupy movements in a coherent, well constructed synergy that EVERYONE should see NOW!"
-Mark Heley, Blogger

"THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. It is more than a well-researched and alarming insight into who really controls how the world works. It is a recipe and blueprint for how we can, each and every one of us, thrive in the way that the rest of nature does – easily, naturally and with expansive grace. For this last point alone, it is more than worth the time to see."
-Odyssey Magazine

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Contrails or Chemtrails

Defining Terminology

There are many people who are not yet aware of the chemtrail attack that is so pervasive in our modern age, so we might as well explain what we mean when we say 'chemtrail'.

First of all, there are lots of airplanes of all sizes and serving different purposes that take up our air space. Some are commercial, and others fly for pleasure. Some are private(elites), while others are business. There are military and emergency air crafts and then we have those who serve a very dark and strange purpose - The tankers and are usually unmarked. Some believe they are part of a plan to control population especially on North America and Western Europe. But no matter why these tankers are spraying toxins into our air, its no good.

Thats why we have to take steps like setting up chembusters on our properties, controlling our diets with high quality clean foods and taking supplements on a daily bases to counter these harmful substances in our environment.

So What Are They?

Contrail: A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about 30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after a minute or so due to evaporation, because it's water.

chemtrail: The term "chemtrail" is a relatively new word, which appeared in the last few years along with the appearance of chemtrails.

A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bank. These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for up to around five or even eight hours. They have been known to turn what was originally a clear blue sky into a grey haze. (Note: As of Nov 2001 there are already at least several dozen cloudbusters in seven countries, so if you see chemtrails that don't last anywhere near this long, there may already be a cloudbuster in the area).

It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some chemtrails contain unknown biological components. There are many reports of increased diseases, especially lung diseases, in areas where there are chemtrails.

Chemtrails are often seen to be sprayed by white planes with no markings. Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same area will start to leave a thick chemtrail. At other times, distinct short gaps in chemtrails have been photographed, as though the plane ran out of chemicals and then had to start spraying with a new supply (definitions borrowed from

Take a look at these satellite photos of chemtrails:

I also want to include this site for further reading and information:

Chembusters and Force Fields

This was an interesting post found at I wanted to share here.
Its interesting to see a magnetic field at work.

(TruthSeekerDaily) When a magnet is dropped down a conducting copper pipe, it feels a resistive force (assuming that magnets have feelings). The falling magnet induces a current in the copper pipe and, by Lenz’s Law, the current creates a magnetic field that opposes the changing field of the falling magnet. Thus, the magnet is “repelled” and falls more slowly. Knowledge = Power. - See more at:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Chembuster Improving Environement

I decided to do some before and after soil and water tests on our property to see how the chembuster will improve our surroundings.

Im really not sure what to expect or how quickly to see measurable results in the soil and water within the effective area of our chembuster since there are no technical instruments to measure DOR (deadly orgone). Despite that minor detail...I think we should definitely see a gradual improvement in the soil and water specifically since those two elements are directly affected by what is in the air. By eliminating DOR and the pollutants and junk with it there has got to be a noticeable change for the better!

The chembuster/cloudbuster (orgone generator) pulls in and neutralizes the DOR which permeates our atmosphere; everything in its path must be affected. Chemtrails are embedded with Aluminum-Barium and different biological diseases. They are sprayed from Commercial Airline jets, they create artificial clouds that disrupt the weather patterns as well as saturate us with the Aluminum and barium.

What we are attempting to do is find ways in which we can see positive changes in our immediate environment by using tools like the chembuster to defend our selves from destructive pollution and agendas. 

So what we have done so far is taken 2 samples of soil and 2 samples of water from different areas on our property. Water and soil from our pond at the bottom of our property as well as well water and soil from beside our house which is where we placed the chembuster. These samples were taken about a week prior to the installation of the chembuster so it has had no effect on the samples of water and soil.

I will record my findings and post them up on this site for you all and after a few more weeks I'll take another  round of samples and do a second test. My plan is to do multiple tests over a 4 - 6 month period. So probably one test per month.

My hope is that the result will be an obvious improvement in our soil and water here which will prove chembusters positively effect their entire environment and will protect your health in many ways that can be measured and experienced. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome to ChemBusters

Our purpose is to direct you to trustworthy sources of information regarding cloud busters, aka "chem busters". We want to take care of the earth we have been entrusted with to the best of our abilities. This means we must educate ourselves and be aware of the schemes of man as well as the results of our actions. How do we want to leave this place for the next generation?

Like anything else on the internet, you will find a lot of information for and against the chembuster/ cloudbuster when you do some searching. There are some wing nuts who take this to a whole new level, involving shape shifting aliens and the like. I'm guessing you will want to shy away from that crowd, although it might be extremely entertaining.

But, this all boils down to one thing: chemtrails. Are they a real concern? And if they are what can we do about them? What about other environmental issues related to pollution, weather functions, etc.?

Chemtrails are a somewhat recent development (mid 1990's). See this link for more info.  Cloud busting is a solution to this, and a way to take control of your own environment, originating from the works of Wilhelm Reich, whose science research on orgone energy was well documented and highly respected.

The fact remains, weird and disturbing things go on in our environment due to negligence, ignorance, and downright evil schemes to control society. We are really only addressing one side of the issue but this affects everyone. 

Whether your concern is bio-engineering, increasing government control over society, or simply pollutants in the air, even air-borne allergens, chembusters give us a tiny bit of control over what we can't control. This is significant.

Either way this Chembuster / Cloudbuster device, used responsibly of course, can have many positive effects for your family and your neighbors close by. Here are a few:

1) Chemtrails broken up, dispersed, and neutralized through natural ionization and orgone energy.
2) Some people who have trouble sleeping report that they can sleep better and more soundly
3) Plants grow more vigorously in the vicinity of an orgone generator
4) People report positive emotional/mental effects 
5) Depletes pollution in its area
6) Effective within an 70 mile diameter

For further reading from both sides of the coin:

I will be conducting some experiments in an attempt to collect some measurable results over the next few weeks so if you would like to see what I find please send me an email or subscribe and I'll be sure to share my results.