Monday, February 3, 2014

Chembuster Improving Environement

I decided to do some before and after soil and water tests on our property to see how the chembuster will improve our surroundings.

Im really not sure what to expect or how quickly to see measurable results in the soil and water within the effective area of our chembuster since there are no technical instruments to measure DOR (deadly orgone). Despite that minor detail...I think we should definitely see a gradual improvement in the soil and water specifically since those two elements are directly affected by what is in the air. By eliminating DOR and the pollutants and junk with it there has got to be a noticeable change for the better!

The chembuster/cloudbuster (orgone generator) pulls in and neutralizes the DOR which permeates our atmosphere; everything in its path must be affected. Chemtrails are embedded with Aluminum-Barium and different biological diseases. They are sprayed from Commercial Airline jets, they create artificial clouds that disrupt the weather patterns as well as saturate us with the Aluminum and barium.

What we are attempting to do is find ways in which we can see positive changes in our immediate environment by using tools like the chembuster to defend our selves from destructive pollution and agendas. 

So what we have done so far is taken 2 samples of soil and 2 samples of water from different areas on our property. Water and soil from our pond at the bottom of our property as well as well water and soil from beside our house which is where we placed the chembuster. These samples were taken about a week prior to the installation of the chembuster so it has had no effect on the samples of water and soil.

I will record my findings and post them up on this site for you all and after a few more weeks I'll take another  round of samples and do a second test. My plan is to do multiple tests over a 4 - 6 month period. So probably one test per month.

My hope is that the result will be an obvious improvement in our soil and water here which will prove chembusters positively effect their entire environment and will protect your health in many ways that can be measured and experienced. 

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